Sunday, June 5, 2011

Work It Out: The Black Woman's Guide to Getting the Body You Always Wanted

Work It Out: The Black Woman's Guide to Getting the Body You Always Wanted Review

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Black women tend to have fuller, curvier figures than other women. Their body types do not necessarily meet the "fitness industry standard"-smaller frames and thinner bodies. Having few realistic fitness role models, many African American women wind up feeling frustrated about being unable to reduce their curves to match those of the models in the fitness magazines.

In Work It Out, fitness expert MaDonna Grimes offers black women a different ideal to work toward-one suited to their unique physiques. Drawing from her experience as a professional dancer, choreographer, and fitness competitor, Grimes has fashioned a revolutionary program specifically for black women, to help them attain their fitness goals and build self-esteem. Her dynamic, innovative plan includes hip-hop and Afro-Latin dance moves, weight training, stretching, and proper nutrition. She also addresses the health issues common to black women, such as obesity, hypertension, and diabetes, and explains how they can be avoided with proper nutrition and exercise.

MaDonna Grimes' fresh approach is long overdue. Work It Out promises to deliver personal power, optimal health, and the beautiful body that only a black woman can achieve.

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Jun 06, 2011 08:26:05

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